§ 3-12-22 Complainant's attorney Prosecution by attorney general. (a) In all cases of appeal under this title from the sentence of a districtcourt, and upon all questions arising under that sentence or under anycomplaint or warrant made under this title in the supreme or superior court,the cases may be conducted and argued in behalf of the complainant by anyattorney who may be employed or authorized by that complainant; and in everycase in which the defendant or person answering the complaint is required topay costs, the sum of six dollars ($6.00) shall be taxed in the bill of costsfor the services of the attorney employed or authorized and appearing as theattorney of record of the complainant; for which sum the clerk or other officerto whom the costs may be paid shall account with and pay over to the attorneyof record within ten (10) days after the bill of costs is paid.
(b) If no attorney within five (5) days after the appeal fromthe sentence of a district court, or after any question arising under thatsentence or under any complaint or warrant under this title, is presented inthe supreme or superior court, shall enter his or her appearance in behalf ofthe complainant, then it is the duty of the attorney general or the assistantattorneys general to take charge of, conduct, argue, and manage that appeal orquestion in the supreme or superior court, and for those services the sum ofsix dollars ($6.00) shall be taxed in the bill of costs, and shall be paid overto the officers rendering those services by the clerk or other officer to whomthose costs are paid.