§ 3-12-3 Entry on licensed premises Arrest without warrant Evidence of unlawful sales. The mayor and council of any city or the town council or either member, or thechief of police of any city or town, or any police officer, or any constablespecially authorized by that city or town council, or any member of thedivision of state police, or agent of the department of business regulation andthe division of taxation, may at any time enter upon the premises of any personlicensed under this title, to ascertain the manner in which that personconducts his or her business and to preserve order; and every chief of police,police officer, constable or member of the division of state police, has thepower to arrest, without a warrant, all persons found actually engaged, in thepremises entered, in the commission of any offense in violation of any of theprovisions of this title, and to keep those persons arrested in custody untilthey can be brought before some magistrate (but for a period not to exceedtwenty-four (24) hours) having the proper jurisdiction of that offense in thatcity or town, to be dealt with according to law; and whenever any person isseen to drink any beverage in those premises, or in any part of those premises,on any days or hours prohibited, under this title, it is evidence that thosebeverages were sold and kept for sale by the occupant of those premises or hisor her authorized agent.