§ 3-14-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise, the followingterms have the following meanings:
(a) "Adult" means any person twenty-one (21) years of age orolder.
(b) "Intoxicated individual" means an individual who is in astate of intoxication as defined by this chapter.
(c) "Intoxication" means a substantial impairment of aperson's mental or physical faculties as a result of drug or alcoholic beverageuse so as to diminish that person's ability to think and act in a manner inwhich an ordinary prudent and cautious person, in full possession of his or herfaculties and using reasonable care, would act under like circumstances.
(d) "Licensee" means the person to whom a license of any kindis issued by the local licensing authority and any person who is required to belicensed to serve or to permit the consumption of liquor.
(e) "Liquor" means any intoxicating beverage which containsmore than three and two tenths percent (3.2%) of alcohol by weight.
(f) "Minor" means any person under the age of twenty-one (21)years.
(g) "Person" means any individual, governmental body,corporation, or other legal entity.
(h) "Service of liquor" means any sale, gift, or otherfurnishing of liquor.
(i) "Visibly intoxicated" means a state of intoxicationaccompanied by a perceptible act or series of acts presenting an apparent signor signs of intoxication.