§ 3-2-5 Administration of oaths Subpoena power False swearing. (a) The superintendents of the bureaus of importation and inspection areauthorized to administer oaths in matters on formal hearing before them andalso in connection with any matter having to do with the performance of theirduties.
(b) The department in all cases before it is authorized andempowered to summon witnesses by subpoena signed by the director of thedepartment and to compel those witnesses to attend and testify in the samemanner as in either the supreme or the superior courts.
(c) The department is authorized to compel the production ofall papers, books, documents, records, certificates or other legal evidencethat may be necessary for the determination and the decision of any question orthe discharge of any duty required by law of the department, by issuing asubpoena duces tecum signed by the director. Any person who disobeys that writis considered in contempt of the department, and the department may punish thatand any other contempt of its authority in the same manner as contempts may bepunished in either the supreme or the superior court.
(d) Any person who willfully swears falsely in anyproceeding, matter or hearing before the department is guilty of the crime ofperjury.