§ 3-4-8 Unlawful sale and shipment. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person in the business of selling intoxicatingbeverages in another state or country to ship or cause to be shipped anyintoxicating beverage directly to any Rhode Island resident who does not hold avalid wholesaler license issued by the State of Rhode Island. The foregoingshall not apply to any order for intoxicating beverages personally placed bythe purchaser at the manufacturer's premises, for shipment to an address inRhode Island for nonbusiness purpose. Any shipment of intoxicating beveragespursuant to this section shall contain the language: "Contains Alcohol, AdultSignature (over 21) Required for Delivery."
(b) Any person who violates subsection (a) of this sectionshall, for the first offense, be mailed a certified letter by the departmentordering that person to cease and desist any shipment of intoxicating beveragesto Rhode Island residents and for each subsequent offense shall be fined onethousand five hundred dollars ($1,500).