§ 3-5-12 Licensees to keep or sell legalbeverages only Minimum size of containers. Only beverages which have been legally manufactured and on which all taxes andcharges, federal and state, have been paid, shall be kept for sale or sold by alicensee. Holders of Class B, C, D, I and J licenses shall not have on thelicensed premises distilled or vinous beverages in the containers, nor bottles,flasks or containers of less capacity than twenty-three ounces (23 oz.).Holders of Class B wholesaler's licenses, Class G retailer's licenses, ClassB-H retailer's licenses and Class A retailer's licenses are authorized to keepfor sale and to sell distilled beverages in containers of a minimum capacity offifty milliliters (50 mls.) or one and seven tenths ounces (1.7 oz.).