§ 3-5-15 Local licensing authorities. The right, power, and jurisdiction to issue all other licenses authorized bythis title within the maximum number to be fixed as provided in § 3-5-16are in the town councils or license boards of the several towns, and in themayors and city councils in the several cities. However, where a policecommission exists in a town or in a city that police commission has the right,power, and jurisdiction to issue those other licenses. If there is neither acity council nor a police commission in a city, the right, power, andjurisdiction shall be in the mayor and council. In the city of Providence theright, power, and jurisdiction are in the bureau of licenses. In the severalcases where the town councils or license boards of the several towns, themayors and city councils of the several cities, or the mayor and council of acity are authorized to issue licenses, they are for that purpose constitutedlicense commissioners, and in those cases the town or city clerk is the clerkof those commissioners.