§ 3-5-2 Local option Questions putto electors Petition for election. (a) In every election in every town and city, held for the election of town orcity officers, the official or officials charged with the duty of preparing theofficial ballot labels, shall cause to be printed on these ballot labels thefollowing questions:
"Shall licenses for the sale of beverages as defined inchapters 5, 6, and 7 of title 3, be issued in this town (or city)?"
"Shall retailers' Class C beverage licenses provided for in§ 3-7-8, be issued in this town (or city)?"
(b) No vote may be taken on either of those questions in anytown or city unless a number of qualified electors equal in cities to tenpercent (10%) and in towns to fifteen per cent (15%) of the total legal votecast in the city or town for governor at the general election next precedingshall petition the clerk or the official acting as the secretary or clerk ofthe board of canvassers and registration, or the board, body or officialexercising in that town or city the powers of such a board, at least twenty(20) days prior to the election and the clerk or other official shall, on thepetition, insert a provision for the taking of the vote or votes in the warrantcalling the town, ward or district meeting.