§ 3-5-23 Revocation of license forcriminal offenses or disorderly conditions Action on bond. (a) If any licensed person is convicted of violating any of the provisions ofthis title, or of chapters 6, 10, 34, 40 or 45 of title 11, or §§11-2-1, 11-9-13, 11-9-15, 11-11-5, 11-11-6, 11-18-2 11-18-4, 11-20-1,11-20-2, 11-23-4, 11-30-1 11-30-11, 11-31-1 or 11-37-2 11-37-4,or pleads guilty or nolo contendere to any complaint or indictment under any ofthese provisions, or if his or her license is revoked, his or her bond shall beput in suit by the town or city treasurer of the city or town where the bond isgiven, and by due process of law the penal sum of the bond shall be recoveredfor the use of the town or city.
(b) If any licensed person permits the house or place wherehe or she is licensed to sell beverages under the provisions of this title tobecome disorderly as to annoy and disturb the persons inhabiting or residing inthe neighborhood, or permits any gambling or unlawful gaming to be carried onin the neighborhood, or permits any of the laws of this state to be violated inthe neighborhood, in addition to any punishment or penalties that may beprescribed by statute for that offense, he or she may be summoned before theboard, body, or official which issued his or her license and before thedepartment, when he or she and the witnesses for and against him or her may beheard. If it appears to the satisfaction of the board, body, or officialhearing the charges that the licensee has violated any of the provisions ofthis title or has permitted any of the things listed in this section, then theboard, body, or official may suspend or revoke the license or enter anotherorder.
(c) In case the license is revoked, the licensed person afterthe revocation shall cease to have any authority under the license and shall bedisqualified from holding any of the licenses provided for in this title for aperiod of five (5) years following the revocation.
(d) The revocation of a license shall not interfere with orprejudice the right of recovery upon the licensee's bond for the full amount ofthe bond.