§ 3-6-13 License bonds to state. As conditions precedent to the issuance by the department of any manufacturer'slicense, rectifier's license, wholesaler's Class A license, wholesaler's ClassB license, and wholesaler's Class C license under the provisions of thischapter, the person applying for a license shall give bond to the generaltreasurer of the state in a penal sum in the amount that the department ofbusiness regulation requests with at least two (2) resident suretiessatisfactory to the department of business regulation, or a surety companyauthorized to do business in this state as surety, which bond shall be oncondition that the licensee will not violate or suffer to be violated on anylicensed premises under his or her control any of the provisions of thischapter or of chapter 5 of this title or of chapters 10, 34, 40 or 45 of title11 or §§ 11-2-1, 11-9-13, 11-9-15, 11-11-5, 11-11-6, 11-18-2 11-18-4, 11-20-1, 11-20-2, 11-23-4, 11-31-1 or 11-37-2 11-37-4 and oncondition that the licensee will pay all costs and damages incurred by anyviolation of any of those chapters or sections, and shall also pay to thedivision of taxation the license fee required by this chapter.