§ 3-6-14 Certificate of compliance. (a) As conditions precedent to transporting, or causing to be transported,distilled spirits, malt beverages, and vinous beverages into this state forstorage, sale, or consumption in this state, any person, firm, or corporationlocated in another state shall first obtain a certificate of compliance fromthe department.
(b) The certificate of compliance shall be issued upon thecondition that the holder furnishes from time to time, as the department mayrequire, but in no event more often than once each month, informationconcerning all shipments or sales of distilled spirits, malt beverages, andvinous beverages made into this state. The holder must also furnish informationconcerning the brand, type of container, quantity, and other information thatmay be required by the department. The department is empowered to promulgateany rules and regulations that may be necessary for the enforcement of thissubsection.
(c) As a condition precedent to the issuance of and duringthe term of a certificate, the holder shall comply with the provisions of thistitle, and all rules and regulations promulgated under authority of this title.
(d) The department may suspend, cancel, or revoke anycertificate of compliance for violation of the terms or conditions of thecertificate.
(e) The certificate of compliance shall contain on its face alist of those distilled spirits, malt beverages, and vinous beveragestransported or caused to be transported into this state by the holder of thecertificate.
(f) The annual fee for the certificate of compliance is fortydollars ($40.00) for each and every brand, blend, mixture, variety, type, kind,and class of distilled spirits, malt beverages, and vinous beverages. Theannual fee, prorated to the year ending December 1st in every calendar year, ispaid to the department, and deposited as general revenues. The department mayfix a flat fee per gallon instead of the annual fee for any of the abovecategories where the application for a certificate of compliance contains anaffidavit that less than twenty-five (25) gallons of the category involved willbe imported during the year for which filed.