§ 3-6-4 Practices requiring rectifier'slicense. Any person who rectifies, purifies, refines or blends distilled spirits orwines by any process, other than by original and continuous distillation frommash, wort, or wash, through continuous closed vessels and pipes until themanufacture is complete, and every wholesale or retail licensee who has in hisor her possession any still or leach tub, or who keeps any other apparatus forthe purpose of refining in any manner distilled spirits and wines, and anyperson who without rectifying, purifying or refining distilled spirits mixessuch spirits, wines or other liquor with any material, manufactures anyspurious, imitation or compound liquors for sale under the name of whiskey,brandy, gin, rum, wine, spirits, cordials or wine bitters, or any other name,is regarded as a rectifier engaged in the business of rectifying. Nothing inthis section shall be held to prohibit the purifying or refining of spirits inthe course of original and continuous distillation through any material whichwill not remain incorporated with those spirits when the manufacture of thespirits is complete.