§ 3-6-9 Wholesaler's license ClassA. A wholesaler's license, Class A, authorizes the holder to keep for sale and tosell malt beverages and wines at wholesale at the place described to holders oflicenses under this title within this state and to holders of wholesalelicenses in other states and the transportation and delivery from the place ofsale to those license holders or to a common carrier for that delivery. Salesby a wholesaler in this state to a holder of a wholesale license in anotherstate shall be only to a wholesaler who is a distributor of the same brand ofmalt beverages or wines subject to permission by the department. The licenseshall not authorize the sale of malt beverages or wines for consumption on thepremises where sold nor their sale for their delivery outside this state inviolation of the law of the place of delivery. The annual fee for the licenseis two thousand dollars ($2,000) prorated to the year ending December 1 inevery calendar year, and shall be paid to the division of taxation and turnedover to the general treasurer for the use of the state. Whenever any maltbeverages or wines are sold outside the state pursuant to this section, refundsor credits of import fees previously paid on those malt beverages or winesshall be made to holders of wholesaler's licenses under this title inaccordance with regulations promulgated by the division of taxation.