§ 3-7-10 Doors from Class C licensedpremises to other structures Sale to unlicensed dealer or house of illfame. If at the time of or after the issue of any Class C license, the place licensedshall have an opening from within the licensed place into any other part of thesame structure or into any adjoining structure, the license shall be void. Asale, by any person holding any class of license under the provisions of thistitle, of any beverage to an unlicensed dealer in any beverage or to any owneror keeper of any house of ill fame, with reason to believe that the beverage isto be resold, shall be sufficient cause for the revocation of the license. Theholder shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ($100) or imprisonednot more than thirty (30) days, or both. Any person whose license is revoked isdisqualified from holding any license of any kind under the provisions of thistitle for the period of five (5) years following the date of the revocation.