§ 3-7-14.2 Class P licenses Caterers. (a) A caterer licensed by the department of health and the division of taxationshall be eligible to apply for a Class P license from the department ofbusiness regulation. The department of business regulation is authorized toissue all caterers' licenses. The license will be valid throughout this stateas a state license and no further license will be required or tax imposed byany city or town upon this alcoholic beverage privilege. Each caterer to whichthe license is issued shall pay to the department of business regulation anannual fee of five hundred dollars ($500) for the license, and one dollar($1.00) for each duplicate of the license, which fees are paid into the statetreasury. The department is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations forimplementation of this license. In promulgating said rules, the departmentshall include, but is not limited to, the following standards:
(1) Proper identification will be required for individualswho look thirty (30) years old or younger and who are ordering alcoholicbeverages;
(2) Only valid ID's as defined by these titles are acceptable;
(3) An individual may not be served more than two (2) drinksat a time;
(4) Licensee's, their agents, or employees will not servevisibly intoxicated individuals;
(5) Licensee's may only serve alcoholic beverages for no morethan a five (5) hour period per event;
(6) Only a licensee, or its employees, may serve alcoholicbeverages at the event;
(7) The licensee will deliver and remove alcoholic beveragesto the event; and
(8) No shots or triple alcoholic drinks will be served.
(b) Any bartender employed by the licensee shall be certifiedby a nationally recognized alcohol beverage server training program.
(c) The licensee shall purchase at retail all alcoholicbeverages from a licensed Class A alcohol retail establishment located in thestate, provided, however, any licensee who also holds a Class T license, issuedpursuant to the provisions of § 3-7-7, shall be allowed to purchasealcoholic beverages at wholesale. Any person violating this section shall befined five hundred dollars ($500) for this violation and shall be subject tolicense revocation. The provisions of this section shall be enforced inaccordance with this title.
(d) Violation of subsection (a) of this section is punishableupon conviction by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). Finesimposed under this section shall be paid to the department of businessregulation.