§ 3-7-15.1 Class GD license. (a) A retailer's Class GD license, upon application, shall be issued only to anoperator of a vessel engaged in regular interstate commerce, providingovernight accommodations for passengers.
(b) The holder of a Class GD license is permitted to keep forsale and to serve alcoholic beverages to passengers traveling on board thevessel while the vessel is docked at any port in this state.
(c) The Class GD license is good throughout this state as astate license and no further license is required or tax imposed by any city ortown upon this privilege.
(d) All licenses issued shall include the name of the vessellicensed and shall be posted on board the vessel.
(e) The fee for the Class GD license is the sum of onehundred dollars ($100) and the term is for one year.
(f) The Class GD license shall not authorize the sale ofalcoholic beverages on board the vessel for more than seventy-two (72)consecutive hours in any one port in this state and not more than oneseventy-two (72) hour period within any calendar week in any one port in thisstate.
(g) A Class G and GD liquor license may be issued for thesame vessel, notwithstanding the provisions of § 3-5-9.