§ 3-7-16 Class J convention hall license. (a) A retailer's Class J license authorizes the holder of the license to keepfor sale and to sell beverages at retail in the place described in the licenseand to deliver the beverages for consumption on the premises where sold at thetimes when conventions as defined in subsection (b) may be held on thosepremises. The licensed premises may be open for business on convention daysbetween the hours of eleven o'clock (11:00) a.m. and one o'clock (1:00) a.m.The licensed premises may contain a bar. No Class J license shall be issued orheld unless the licensee has adequate facilities to accommodate five hundred(500) or more persons, at tables, at one time. Part of the licensed premisesmay be set apart as a kitchen and food may be served if the licensee is theholder of a victualing license from the town or city in which the licensedpremises are situated. The Class J license authorizes entertainment only inconformity with ordinances of the city or town where the facility is located onthe licensed premises. Class J licenses shall only be issued by the locallicensing authority. The annual fee for a Class J license is the same as aClass B license in that city or town and is payable to the town or city wherethe licensed premises are located.
(b) The word "convention" is defined to include conventions,banquets, political rallies, trade shows, exhibitions, charity balls and othersimilar gatherings in conformity with ordinances of the city or town where thefacility is located, which are held primarily for persons over eighteen (18)years of age.
(c) A Class F and F1 liquor license may be issued on a ClassJ premises, notwithstanding the provisions of § 3-5-9.