§ 3-7-16.1 Class L ancient undergroundcomfort station license. Notwithstanding any provision of this title to the contrary, the locallicensing board has the power to grant and may grant on request an ancientunderground comfort station license. The license may be granted to the owner,lessee or other person, firm or corporation in possession of an ancientunderground comfort station which has been in existence since 1913. Theunderground comfort station must not have been in continuous operation as acomfort station since 1913. The Class L license grants the following privileges:
(1) The right to keep for sale and to sell beverages atretail at the place described in the license and to deliver those beverages forconsumption on the premises.
(2) The annual fee for the license is the same as a Class Blicense in that city or town and is payable to the town or city where thelicensed premises are located.