§ 3-7-16.2 Class K ancient tavern license. (a) The local licensing board has the power to grant and may grant on requestby the legal owners of any building which has had a public and continuous useand license as a tavern for ten (10) years or more prior to 1730 A.D. (andwhich building is located on the same spot where the license was theneffective) an ancient tavern license, effective only for the premises describedabove, and the license grants the following privileges:
(1) The right to sell for consumption on the premisesalcoholic beverages of all kinds as adjuncts to meals to patrons sitting attables.
(2) The right to open at any time after eight in the morning(8:00 a.m.) and to remain open until the closing hours established by the localboard of license commissioners for other licensed places or to close at anytime earlier than that set time for closing, if the owners shall elect.
(b) The holding of the ancient tavern license is subject, asto matters of order and police, to the same rules as prevail for other licensedplaces in that locality and as to matters of health and sanitation, is subjectto the same rules and requirements as prevail for other licensed places in thatlocality.
(c) The owners of any building described in subsection (a)receiving an ancient tavern license shall pay each year to the municipality inwhich it is located six hundred dollars ($600) for the license.