§ 3-7-25 Sanitary conditions fordispensing of malt beverages or wine. (a) Beer or wine pipe lines, faucets and barrel-tapping devices used for thedispensing of malt beverages or wine in places where the dispensing is carriedon by licensees under this chapter shall be cleaned at least once every four(4) weeks by the use of a hydraulic pressure mechanism, hand-pump suction or aforce cleaner or other system approved by the department or shall bepermanently kept clean by a device approved by the department. After cleaning,the lines shall be rinsed with clear water until all chemicals, if any havebeen used, are removed. The cleaning equipment must be operated in conformancewith the manufacturer's recommendations.
(b) A record, the form of which shall be approved by thedepartment, shall be used to record the dates and the methods used in cleaningof beer or wine pipe lines, coils, tubes and appurtenances. This record shallbe signed by the person who performs the cleaning operation and countersignedby the licensee. The records shall be kept on the licensed premises for aperiod of one year from the date of the last entry and made available at alltimes for inspection by health enforcement and law enforcement officers.
(c) Line cleaners may be certified by the department and thedepartment shall issue a license and charge a fee not to exceed fifty dollars($50.00) for each license.