§ 3-7-6 Renewal of Class A, Class B, ClassC, Class D, Class E, and Class J licenses. The holder of a Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, Class E, or Class J licensewho applies before October 1 in any licensing period for a license of the sameclass for the next succeeding licensing period is prima facie entitled torenewal to the extent that the license is issuable under § 3-5-16. Thisapplication may be rejected for cause, subject to appeal as provided in §3-7-21. A person whose application has been rejected by the local licensingauthorities shall, for the purpose of license quotas under § 3-5-16, bedeemed to have been granted a license until the period for an appeal hasexpired or until his or her appeal has been dismissed. The license holder maybe required to pay a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee upon application ofrenewal, at the option of local licensing authorities. This fee shall be usedby the local licensing authority for advertising and administrative costsrelated to processing the renewal application.