§ 3-7-7.1 Class B-H license. (a) A retailer's Class B-H license shall be issued only to a licensed hotel.The license authorizes the holder to keep for sale and sell beverages incontainers of a minimum capacity of fifty milliliters (50 ml.) or one and seventenths ounces (1.7 oz). The beverages shall be sold and served only in the roomof a registered hotel guest. The beverages may be served in the hotel room atleast from nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. to seven o'clock (7:00) p.m. No beveragesshall be served in the hotel room after one o'clock (1:00) a.m., nor before sixo'clock (6:00) a.m. The beverages may be sold only in the room of theregistered hotel guest at any time.
(b) A Class B and B-H liquor license may be issued for thesame licensed hotel, notwithstanding the provisions of § 3-5-9.
(c) The annual fee for this license shall be one hundreddollars ($100) to five hundred dollars ($500.00).