§ 3-8-15 Sales of kegs of beer Restrictions. (a) Every retailer of kegs of beer shall affix a removable label to each keg ofbeer sold which shall contain the name, address, date of birth, type ofidentification document used to verify the date, and the last four (4) digitsof the identification number of the document, of the person purchasing the kegand the following language: "Rhode Island law prohibits and imposes penaltiesfor the sale, delivery, service of or giving away to, or causing, or permittingor procuring to be sold, delivered, served, or given away any alcoholicbeverage to any person who has not reached his or her twenty-first (21st)birthday. A violation of this statute is an offense punishable by a fine of upto one thousand dollars ($1,000) and six (6) months imprisonment. Minimum finefor first offense is three hundred fifty dollars ($350). The purchaser shallnot remove, deface or obliterate the keg label." A keg without a label attachedshall be subject to confiscation by the police. Removing or defacing a keglabel shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500).
(b) The retailer shall maintain a copy of the keg label in akeg sales book and shall note on that copy whether the keg was returned withthe keg label or not returned at all. The director of the department ofbusiness regulation shall develop regulations for the design and production ofthe keg labels. The director shall produce and issue uniform keg labels and kegsales books that shall be made available to the retailer at cost.
(c) The provisions of this section shall not apply to thoseclasses of licensed beverage retailers which are prohibited by law from makingoff premises sales.
(d) The director of business regulation shall design auniform keg label which fulfills the provisions of this section.