§ 3-8-16 Restaurants: Off premisetransportation of wine. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or in the Rhode Islandgeneral laws to the contrary, a holder of a retailer's Class B license shall bepermitted to provide to a patron, and the patron shall be allowed to retain andremove from the premises and transport the remains of any bottle of winepurchased by said patron in conjunction with a meal, subject to the followinglimitations and conditions:
(a) The patron purchased said wine in conjunction with theconsumption of a full-course meal, defined herein as to include no less than anentr/Aee meal, which shall be consumed on the premises;
(b) The license holder shall re-cork or seal said bottle ofwine;
(c) The license holder shall place the bottle of wine in acontainer which shall be sealed in such a way as to prevent re-opening withoutobvious evidence that the seal was removed or broken;
(d) The license holder shall note the date of the meal on thecontainer; and
(e) No more than one bottle may be removed at any one time.
(2) A patron who transports the remains of a bottle of wine,as provided herein, shall not be subject to the provisions of §31-22-21.1, provided, the patron places the container in the trunk area of avehicle, or if the vehicle does not have a trunk, then the container shall beplaced behind the last upright seat in the rear of the vehicle. Whiletransporting said wine bottle the patron shall not cause the seal on saidcontainer to be removed or broken, and should such seal be so removed or brokenas to allow access to the wine bottle, and/or if the bottle of wine is notplaced in the area of a vehicle as required herein, then the patron shall besubject to the provisions and penalties of § 31-22-21.1.