§ 30-10-6 Rental of armories fornonmilitary purposes. The adjutant general may authorize the use of any armory under his or hercontrol, for nonmilitary purposes, subject to such rules and conditions as heor she may prescribe, which are lawful and approved, provided that the person,corporation, organization, or society to whom the use may be authorized shallpay in advance to the adjutant general such a sum for the use thereof as may beprescribed by the adjutant general. This sum shall in no case, where admissionis charged, be less than the fair rental value of halls of a similar nature, inthe same or a similar city or town. These persons, corporations, organizations,or societies shall, if required by the adjutant general, furnish a bond, withgood and sufficient surety, to protect and indemnify the state from loss ordamage to the armory, or to any federal or state property, or to the propertyof any military organization or members thereof, contained therein.