§ 30-11-3 Restoration of national guardmember to employment. (a) Any person who is a duly qualified member of the Rhode Island nationalguard who, in order to perform any military service he or she may be calledupon to perform by proper authority, leaves a position, other than a temporaryposition, in the employ of an employer, who shall give evidence of thesatisfactory completion of that training, and who is still qualified to performthe duties of that position, shall be entitled to be restored to his or herprevious or a similar position in the same status, pay, and seniority, and thisperiod of absence for military training shall be construed as an absence withleave and without pay.
(b) In addition to the provisions provided in this section,all National Guard members on state active duty shall be entitled to therights, protections, privileges, and immunities offered under the UniformedServices Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), Title 38 U.S.Code, Chapter 43, Sections 4301-4333, Public Law 103-353 [38 U.S.C. §4301 et seq.].