§ 30-12-3 Pursuit into this state byforces of another state. Any military force or organization, or unit, or detachment thereof of anotherstate who is in fresh pursuit of insurrectionists, saboteurs, enemies, or enemyforces may continue that pursuit into this state until the military or policeforces of this state or the forces of the United States have had a reasonableopportunity to take up the pursuit or to apprehend or capture these persons,and is hereby authorized to arrest or capture these persons within this statewhile in fresh pursuit. Any of the above described persons who shall becaptured or arrested by the military forces of another state while in thisstate shall without unnecessary delay be surrendered to the military or policeforces of this state to be dealt with according to law. This section shall notbe construed so as to make unlawful any arrest in this state which wouldotherwise be lawful.