§ 30-12-7 Unauthorized militaryorganizations or parades Revocation of authority. (a) No body of persons, other than the national guard, the independentchartered military organizations, the unorganized militia on active duty, themilitary and naval forces and air force of the United States, associationswholly composed of soldiers, sailors, marines, or air persons, honorablydischarged from the service of the United States, veterans of the nationalguard or naval militia, the organization of the order of the sons of veterans,and organizations now or hereafter authorized to do so by the expresspermission of the governor or otherwise by law, shall associate themselvestogether as a military company or organization, or parade in public withfirearms in any city or town of this state.
(b) No city or town shall raise or appropriate any moneytoward arming or equipping, uniforming, or in any other way supporting,sustaining, or providing drill rooms or armories for any body described insubsection (a). This section shall not be construed to prevent anyorganization, now authorized to do so by the express permission of the governoror otherwise, by law, from parading with firearms, nor to prevent drills orparades by the national guard of any other state. The governor may at any timerevoke the permission granted by himself or herself or any previous governor toany organization or body of persons to associate themselves together as amilitary company or meet as a military company for drill with arms, or paradein public as a military company with arms. Any person violating any provisionof this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.