§ 30-13-33 Compulsory self-incriminationprohibited. (a) No person subject to this code may compel any person to incriminate himselfor herself or to answer any question the answer to which may tend toincriminate him or her.
(b) No person subject to this code may interrogate, orrequest any statement from, an accused or a person suspected of an offensewithout first informing that person of the nature of the accusation andadvising that person that he or she does not have to make any statementregarding the offense of which he or she is accused or suspected and that anystatement made by that person may be used as evidence against him or her in atrial by court-martial.
(c) No person subject to this code may compel any person tomake a statement or produce evidence before any military tribunal if thestatement or evidence is not material to the issue and may tend to degrade himor her.
(d) No statement obtained from any person in violation ofthis section, or through the use of coercion, unlawful influence, or unlawfulinducement may be received in evidence against him or her in a trial bycourt-martial.