§ 30-13-82 Solicitation. (a) Any person subject to this code who solicits or advises another or othersto desert in violation of § 30-13-85 or mutiny in violation of §30-13-94 shall, if the offense solicited or advised is attempted or committed,be punished with the punishment provided for the commission of the offense,but, if the offense solicited or advised is not committed or attempted, thatperson shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
(b) Any person subject to this code who solicits or advisesanother or others to commit an act of misbehavior before the enemy in violationof § 30-13-99 of this code or sedition in violation of § 30-13-94shall, if the offense solicited or advised is committed, be punished with thepunishment provided for the commission of the offense, but, if the offensesolicited or advised is not committed, that person shall be punished as acourt-martial may direct.