§ 30-15.9-2 General implementation. Each party state entering into this compact recognizes many emergenciestranscend political jurisdictional boundaries and that intergovernmentalcoordination is essential in managing these and other emergencies under thiscompact. Each state further recognizes that there will be emergencies whichrequire immediate access and present procedures to apply outside resources tomake a prompt and effective response to such an emergency. This is because few,if any, individual states have all the resources they may need in all types ofemergencies or the capability of delivering resources to areas whereemergencies exist.
The prompt, full, and effective utilization of resources ofthe participating states, including any resources on hand or available from theFederal Government or any other source, that are essential to the safety, careand welfare of the people in the event of any emergency or disaster declared bya party state, shall be the underlying principle on which all provisions ofthis compact shall be understood.
On behalf of the governor of each state participating in thecompact, the legally designated state official who is assigned responsibilityfor emergency management will be responsible for formulation of the appropriateinterstate mutual aid plans and procedures necessary to implement this compact.