§ 30-15-2 Purposes of provisions. The purposes of this chapter are:
(1) To reduce vulnerability of people and communities of thisstate to damage, injury, and loss of life and property resulting from naturalor man-made catastrophes, riots, or hostile military or paramilitary action oracts of bioterrorism;
(2) To prepare for prompt and efficient rescue, care, andtreatment of persons victimized or threatened by disaster;
(3) To provide a setting conducive to the rapid and orderlystart of restoration and rehabilitation of persons and property affected bydisasters;
(4) To clarify and strengthen the roles of the governor,state agencies, and local governments in prevention of, preparation for, andresponse to and recovery from disasters;
(5) To authorize and provide for cooperation in disasterprevention, preparedness, response, and recovery;
(6) To authorize and provide for coordination of activitiesrelating to disaster prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery byagencies and officers of this state, and similar state-local, interstate,federal-state, and foreign activities in which the state and its politicalsubdivisions may participate;
(7) To provide a disaster management system embodying allfour (4) phases of emergency management: mitigation; preparedness; response;and recovery.
(8) [Deleted by P.L. 2000, ch. 170, § 2];
(9) To prepare for emergency health threats, including thosecaused by acts of bioterrorism, which require the exercise of extraordinarygovernment functions;
(10) To provide the state with the ability to respond rapidlyand effectively to potential or actual public health emergencies or disasteremergencies.