§ 30-15-43 Statewide interoperablecommunications system. The Rhode Island emergency management agency is hereby authorized and empoweredto provide for the installation, operation, and maintenance of a statewideinteroperable communications system for the purpose of promptly collecting,exchanging, disseminating, and distributing information relating to police,fire, first responder, and first receiving health care facilities of the state.The system is to be installed, operated, and maintained in such cities andtowns and entities as have organized systems, and may connect directly orindirectly with similar systems in other states in accordance with rules andregulations as promulgated by the Rhode Island emergency management agency.These rules and regulations shall be reviewed and revised from time to time bythe interoperable communications committee as established in § 31-15-42.The Rhode Island emergency management agency is authorized to provide for thelocation of the receiving system sites and to employ the necessary personnelfor its operation. The system shall be called the Rhode Island statewidecommunications network (RISCON). The state departments and agencies and thecities and towns are authorized to provide through federal funding whenavailable and general revenue when allocated, within the appropriationsprovided by law, for the location of equipment and for the personnel andsupplies for their proper operation. The character of communication sent andthe time, place and manner of sending messages and all matters in connectionwith the RISCON system shall be under the control and management of theexecutive director of the Rhode Island emergency management agency.