§ 30-2-12 Adjutant general Appointment and duties. There shall be an adjutant general with rank not to exceed that of lieutenantgeneral. The adjutant general shall be appointed by the governor and shall holdoffice for a term of four (4) years from the time of appointment and until hisor her successor shall be appointed in his or her place and stead, provided,however, that this appointment may be revoked by the governor for cause or ifthe adjutant general shall have been found to be physically unfit for service,as provided by § 30-3-22. The first appointment under this section shallbe made on the first Tuesday of January, 1967, or within ten (10) daysthereafter, and subsequent appointments shall be made during the similar periodin each fourth year thereafter. By virtue of his or her office the adjutantgeneral shall be the chief of staff to the governor and the commanding generalof the Rhode Island army and air national guard; he or she shall be subordinateto only the governor in matters pertaining to the military and naval affairs ofthe state. The adjutant general shall perform such duties as may be required bychapters 1 14 and any other law of the state, and such other duties aspertain to the adjutant general under the regulations and customs of the UnitedStates department of defense and the laws of Rhode Island.