§ 30-2-16 Assistant adjutants general. There shall be two (2) assistant adjutants general with rank not to exceed thatof brigadier general, one of whom shall be detailed by the adjutant general,with the approval of the governor, from the federally recognized officers, orfrom the retired officers, of the Rhode Island army national guard, and one ofwhom shall be detailed by the adjutant general, with the approval of thegovernor, from the federally recognized officers, or from the retired officers,of the Rhode Island air national guard; provided, however, that, when the RhodeIsland national guard is in the active military service of the United Statesthere shall be only one assistant adjutant general, who shall be detailed bythe adjutant general, with the approval of the governor, from the officers ofthe Rhode Island state guard. These assistant adjutants general shall holdoffice at the pleasure of the adjutant general and shall perform such duties asmay be assigned to them by the adjutant general in addition to their otherduties in the national guard, if any. In the absence from the state of theadjutant general, the assistant adjutant general detailed from the armynational guard shall be authorized to perform all duties provided by law orregulation for the adjutant general.