§ 30-2-9 Power of governor overorganization within militia. (a) The governor may organize, alter, increase, divide, annex, consolidate,reorganize, disband, or decrease any unit, organization, staff corps, anddepartment whenever in his or her judgment the efficiency of the state militiawill be thereby increased or to make the state conform to any table oforganization or system of training prescribed by the laws of the United Statesor the rules or regulations prescribed thereunder for the organization andtraining of the national guard.
(b) For that purpose, the number of commissioned officers,warrant officers, and enlisted men in any unit, organization, staff corps, anddepartment may be increased or diminished and the grades of these commissionedofficers, warrant officers, and enlisted men may be altered to the extentnecessary to conform thereto.
(c) No organization of the national guard shall be disbandednor its minimum strength reduced except in conformity with the laws of theUnited States.