§ 30-22-3 Veterans of undeclared wars orcampaigns. The provisions of all of the statutes of this state granting benefits,privileges or bonuses to veterans of any war in which the United States ofAmerica has heretofore been engaged, or to the widow or widower or domesticpartner or other surviving kin of deceased veterans of that war, shallhereafter be construed to provide for like benefits, privileges and bonuses forany man or woman of the armed forces who has been engaged heretofore, is now,or may hereafter be engaged in the active conduct of and/or fighting in theKorean campaign or the conflict in Viet Nam or any following campaign or war,declared or undeclared, which the armed forces of the United States of Americaconduct or in which those forces have a part, and who, having been activelyengaged as hereinbefore described, has heretofore or may hereafter be honorablydischarged from the armed forces of this nation, and to the widow or widower ordomestic partner or other surviving kin of any such deceased veteran of thatcampaign or war.