§ 30-23-1 Purpose of chapter. By order of the president of the United States on February 24, 1944, there wasestablished in the office of war mobilization a retraining and reemploymentadministration to have general supervision and direction of activities relatingto the retraining and reemployment of persons discharged or released from thearmed services and to develop programs for that purpose and for the adequatecare of those veterans, including physical and occupational therapy for thewounded and disabled and the resumption of education interrupted by the war. Byits order issued May 17, 1944, the retraining and reemployment administrationoutlined a plan for the establishment and maintenance of veterans' informationservice centers in local communities by which it sought to provide a way tomerge the interest of all organizations, federal, state, local, and civic, inthe rehabilitation and assistance of veterans. To aid in the carrying out ofthis plan, the retraining and reemployment administration established in eachstate a veterans' service committee consisting of a representative of theselective service system, the war manpower commission, and the veteransadministration, with power to enlarge its membership to include representationfrom local organizations or to represent the federal government on statecommittees of the same nature. The purpose of this chapter is to authorize theestablishment of local veterans' retraining and reemployment committees and theestablishment and maintenance of veterans' information service centers by theseveral cities and towns in this state to the end that all veterans may befurnished in their own communities with full information with respect to theirvarious rights and privileges under federal and state laws and with adequateadvice and assistance in securing the benefits thereof and in solving theproblems of readjusting their lives from war to peacetime activities.