§ 30-23-5 Duty of local committees. It shall be the duty of each local veterans' retraining and reemploymentcommittee to mobilize and promote all existing community resources for the aidof the veteran in one place, through the establishment and maintenance of aveterans' information service center, wherein all veterans in the communityshall be provided with full information concerning their rights and privilegesunder federal and state law, assistance in securing the benefits thereof, andadvice and aid in solving the problems arising in the readjustment of theirlives from war to peace time activities. It shall be the duty of each localcommittee to prescribe the duties of its veterans' information service centerand to take counsel with the state committee and its subcommittees from time totime, to the end that there shall be in every community adequate information,efficient aid, and sound advice for the veteran, and uniformity of procedure indealing with his or her problems.