§ 30-25-10 Care of neglected graves.[Effective until July 1, 2010.]. The assistant director of human services in charge of the community servicesdivision is authorized and empowered to undertake the care of any grave of anysoldier or sailor who fought in the war of the revolution, or who at any timeserved the United States in any war, when the grave appears to have beenneglected or abandoned. For that purpose, the assistant director, and theagents or employees of the division, when duly authorized thereunto by theassistant director, may enter into and upon any public or private cemetery orburial place to clear any grave of grass, weeds, brush, briars, or rubbish; toerect, replace, repair, or renovate fences, memorial stones, or markers; and toperform the other tasks as may be necessary to restore and maintain the graveand its surroundings in a decent and orderly condition.