§ 30-27-3 Emblems and insignia of ItalianAmerican organization. Any person who wilfully wears, sells, or manufactures or attaches to any motorvehicle, the insignia, emblem, or design of the Italian American war veteransof the United States, incorporated; or uses the insignia, emblem, or design, orthe name of the organization by falsely representing himself or herself to be amember, officer, or director thereof in good standing, to obtain or attempt toobtain aid or assistance within the state; or wilfully uses the name of theorganization, or the titles of its officers or directors, or uses its insignia,emblems, or designs, or the forms or patterns thereof, or its ritual orceremonies; unless entitled to use, wear, sell, manufacture, or attach thoseemblems and insignia under the constitution, by-laws, rules, or regulations ofthe organization, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person foundguilty of violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not more thanone hundred dollars ($100).