§ 30-28-11 Monument to veterans ofVietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. (a) The general assembly shall appropriate a sum of five thousand dollars($5,000) for the construction of a monument which shall be dedicated to the menand women from this state who served in the armed forces in Vietnam, Cambodia,and Laos. The monument shall be located in the pond at the water place site inthe capital center in Providence. The general assembly shall also appropriatesuch a sum as it may deem necessary for the care and maintenance of themonument, and the state controller is hereby authorized and directed to drawhis or her orders upon the general treasurer from time to time for the paymentof the cost of construction and maintenance of the monument upon the receipt byhim or her of proper vouchers approved by the adjutant general.
(b) The POW-MIA flag, which is also the official flag of thenational league of families of American prisoners and missing in southeastAsia, shall be flown over the monument until such time as all prisoners andmissing in southeast Asia are accounted for.