§ 30-3-11 Classes from which commissionedofficers selected. Persons hereafter commissioned as officers of the national guard shall beselected from the following classes:
(1) Officers or enlisted persons of the national guard;
(2) Officers, active or retired, reserve officers, and formerofficers of the United States army, air force, navy, marine corps, or coastguard, enlisted men and former enlisted persons of the United States army, airforce, navy, marine corps, or coast guard who have received an honorabledischarge therefrom;
(3) Graduates of any of the United States military and navalacademies;
(4) Graduates of schools, colleges, universities, andofficers' training camps, where they have received military instruction underthe supervision of an officer of the armed forces on active duty who certifiedtheir fitness for appointment as commissioned officers;
(5) For the technical branches or staff corps anddepartments, such other civilians as may be specially qualified for dutytherein; and
(6) Or otherwise, as the above classes shall be changed oraltered by the laws of the United States and the regulations issued thereunder.