§ 30-3-16 Resignation of officers. Resignations of commissioned offices or warrant officers of the national guardshall be in writing and directed to the adjutant general and transmittedthrough and by all intermediate commanders, who shall indorse the resignationswith their approval or disapproval, and shall not be effective until acceptedby the governor. No officer shall be permitted to resign his or her commissionwho shall be under arrest, or against whom charges have been preferred; and noresignation shall be accepted until the officer tendering the resignation shallhave furnished to the adjutant general satisfactory evidence that he or she hasdelivered all moneys in his or her hands as an officer, and all books and otherproperty of the state or of the United States in his or her possession, to hisor her next superior or inferior officer, authorized by law to receive them,and that his accounts for money or public property are correct, and that he orshe is not indebted to the state.