§ 30-3-18 Allowances for guard officers. Every commissioned officer and every warrant officer, of the national guard,upon original appointment and upon receipt of federal recognition, may beallowed and paid the sum of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) upon the actualprocurement by him or her of the prescribed arms, uniforms, and equipment, andevery commissioned officer and every warrant officer of the national guard whoshall, in a twelve-month period immediately preceding the first day of May ineach year, have maintained and kept his or her prescribed arms, uniforms, andequipment in proper order, may annually on the first day of May be allowed andpaid the sum of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) or a proportionately less sum forany less period of time. The above sums shall be paid out of the appropriationfor the support of the national guard upon the approval of the adjutantgeneral, and upon his or her certification and certification by theintermediate commanders of the organizations that these officers have compliedwith the requirements of this section; provided, however, that when thenational guard is in the active military service of the United States theprovisions hereof, where applicable, shall apply to the commissioned officersand warrant officers of Rhode Island state guard.