§ 30-3-22 Physical fitness boards. The physical fitness for service of commissioned officers or warrant officersof the national guard shall be determined, by a board of five (5) medicalpersons, which shall be appointed by the governor for that purpose. Two (2) ofthe medical persons shall be selected by the governor, and two (2) shall beselected by the officer under examination. The four (4) medical persons shallselect a fifth medical person. The officer shall submit his or her selectionsto the governor within ten (10) days of receipt of notice that he or she is tobe examined for physical fitness. Failure of the officer to submit his or herselections to the governor within the prescribed period of time shall be deemedto have been a waiver of his or her rights and the governor shall select theremaining members of the examining board. The findings and recommendations ofthe board shall be transmitted to the governor. If the officer is found to bephysically unfit for service by a majority vote of the examining board, and thefinding is approved by the governor, the officer shall be discharged from thenational guard, subject to the provisions of § 30-3-39.