§ 30-3-38 Retirement of officers. (a) Every commissioned officer or warrant officer of the national guard shall,upon reaching the age of retirement as provided by the laws of the UnitedStates, be placed on the retired list with the rank held by him or her at thetime of retirement.
(b) Any commissioned officer of the national guard who shallhave served in the militia of the state for ten (10) years, or who shall haveserved as an enlisted person or officer for thirteen (13) years, may, upon hisor her own application to the commander-in-chief, be placed upon the list ofretired officers and withdrawn from active service with the highest rank heldby that officer.
(c) In computing the time necessary for retirement, officersshall be credited for all service in the United States army, navy, air force,marine corps, and coast guard, and the Rhode Island state guard in time of war.
(d) These officers shall be borne on the rolls of thenational guard and, during any emergency, may be placed on duty by the governor.