§ 30-3-41 The Rhode Island Military FamilyRelief Fund. (a) There is hereby created the Rhode Island Military Family Relief Fund. Thepurpose of this fund shall be to aid family members of the Rhode IslandNational Guard and military force reservists who have been activated ordeployed for state or federal service.
(b) In addition to funds deposited by the general treasurerin accordance with § 44-30-2.9, the adjutant general is authorized toaccept any grant, devise, bequest, donation, gift, services in kind, assignmentof money, binds or other valuable securities, or moneys appropriated by thegeneral assembly for deposit in and credit of the fund.
(c) The Rhode Island Military Family Relief Fund shall beadministered by the adjutant general. The adjutant general shall establishcriteria pertaining to eligibility for fund assistance. The funds will bedistributed at the discretion of the adjutant general and in accordance withthe established criteria to the families of the National Guard or militaryforce reservists. The criteria shall be established in accordance with Chapter35 of Title 42, the "Administrative Procedures Act."