§ 30-30.1-1 Educational benefits fordisabled American veterans. Any veteran who is a permanent resident of this state who submits proofsufficient to establish a veterans' rated ten percent (10%) to one hundredpercent (100%) disability by the department of veterans' affairs as a result ofmilitary service shall be entitled to take courses at any public institution ofhigher education in the state without the payment of tuition, exclusive ofother fees and charges; Provided, however, that any person eligible forfinancial aid as determined by the institution of higher education, shall applyfor such financial aid. Any financial aid award received by the applicant shallbe applied towards the full amount of tuition that would otherwise have beencharged by the public institution of higher education. Admission intoparticular courses will be granted upon a space available basis and shall be atthe discretion of the particular institutions to which application is made asaforesaid.