§ 30-33-3 Family military leaverequirements. (a) Any employer, as defined in § 30-33-2, that employs between fifteen(15) and fifty (50) employees shall provide up to fifteen (15) days of unpaidfamily military leave to an employee during the time federal or state ordersare in effect, in accordance with the provisions set forth in this section.Family military leave granted under this act may consist of unpaid leave.
(b) Any employer, as defined in § 30-33-2, that employsmore than fifty (50) employees shall provide up to thirty (30) days of unpaidfamily military leave to an employee during the time federal or state ordersare in effect, in accordance with the provisions set forth in this section.Family military leave granted under this act may consist of unpaid leave.
(c) The employee shall give at least fourteen (14) daysnotice of the intended date upon which family military leave will commence ifthe leave will consist of five (5) or more consecutive workdays. Where able theemployee shall consult with the employer to schedule the leave to not undulydisrupt the operations of the employer. Employees taking military family leavefor less than five (5) consecutive days shall give the employer advances noticeas is practicable. The employer may require certification from the propermilitary authority to verify the employee's eligibility to take the requestedfamily military leave.
(d) An employee shall not take leave as provided under thisact unless he or she has exhausted all accrued vacation leave, personal leave,compensatory leave or time, and any other leave that may be granted to theemployee, with the exception of sick leave and disability leave.